Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Constitutions, Whether Democratic, Transitional, Or...

Constitutions, whether democratic, transitional, or authoritarian among others, all serve a few common goals and purposes. The most recognizable purposes of a constitution typically include political and social structure in the form of judicial and legislative processes and civil rights. The goal is often to guide, give, and limit power in ways that benefit the current political elites and limit their potential rivals. Just as Galligan and Versteeg wrote in Theoretical Perspectives, â€Å"One of the primary goals of any constitution, after all, is to create, channel, and monitor power.† These pieces of the constitutional puzzle are an integral part of what makes a constitution a sort of â€Å"power map†. A constitution is in large part a country’s,†¦show more content†¦This is the same concept in the case of â€Å"wing clipping† by elite constitution makers. Given a situation where the current powerful political party is concerned about losing pow er to their opposing party, the powerful political party will include a series of restraints in the constitution to prevent the other party from having excessive powers, or enough power to accomplish anything against the current status quo. It is a form of political insurance that many constitution makers, like those of Portugal in the mid-1970s, take advantage of (20, Gilligan and Versteeg). It is also important to note in the analysis of the â€Å"power map† that timing and political events play an important role in shaping the structure of a constitution. Elites losing power, as suggested by Hirschl, or major transitions that induce electoral uncertainty as suggested by Ginsburg, are often causes of constitutional change. Hirschl claims that this creates a constitution that reflects the interests of the losing elites, while just as reasonably, Ginsburg proports that the constitution will be a document of constraints caused by electoral uncertainty. In reality, a constituti on is often a mixture of both interests and constraints. Sometimes these interests are entrenched into the constitutional document as values, removing them from the scope of ordinary legislature and discreetly preserving theShow MoreRelatedThe Arab Spring : A New Movement1587 Words   |  7 Pagesand high unemployment created by their authoritarian governments. The movement swept throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa. The Egyptian Revolution of 2011, the Libyan Revolt of 2011, and the Syrian Uprising of 2011 were the aftershocks of the Tunisian Jasmine Revolution. Thus, these movements were grouped into the Arab Spring – a new movement dedicated to reform. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Cold Blood A Critical Analysis - 1965 Words

In Cold Blood: A critical analysis â€Å"There are two kinds of people - those who are changing and those who are setting themselves up to be victims of change.† You can rephrase the above statement in a thousand different ways. One might divide people into two groups, â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad†, the simplest of ways to categorize people. Then again, one could categorize people into two different groups, â€Å"people who like baseball† and â€Å"people who dislike baseball†. Like I said, you can say it in a thousand different ways. However, for one man, Truman Capote, the dividing line between two people was a rather complex one. In regard to a person’s ethos, if you will, an individual is not â€Å"born into† a certain role in society, rather society determines one’s role. That being said, the point I am trying to drive home is that, Capote firmly believes that Perry was not born a criminal, after all, how is it even possible to be born a criminal? Since everyone is born with a clean slate, you can’t literally be born a criminal, although some people theorize that you can be born with criminal-like characteristics; Truman Capote was not one of those people. Capote believes that society shapes an individual, and it has nothing to do with genetics. Perry Smith became a â€Å"criminal† not on the grounds that he was â€Å"born that way†, rather by cause of the experiences he endured during his adolescence. Finally, Capote’s novel is no ordinary novel, and I reckon that In Cold Blood was actually a branniganShow MoreRelatedTruman Capote and Postmodernism1398 Wo rds   |  6 Pageswell-known for his late-night talk show appearances as for his prose† (Patterson 1). Capote was a literary pop star at the height of his fame in 1966, after he had written such classic books as, Other Rooms, Other Voices, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and In Cold Blood. Postmodernism was a literary period that began after the Second World War and was a rejection of traditional writing techniques. It used fragmented sentences and questionable narrators, as well as many other unconventional techniques, to breakRead MoreThe Effects Of Echinacea And Its Effects On The World963 Words   |  4 Pagesbrewed as a tea. There are also many cough drops that contain echinacea. Echinacea is commonly used to fight infections, such as the common cold and other upper respiratory infections. Some individuals will take it at the first sign of the cold, while others will take it when symptoms have already started, in hopes that it will reduce the duration of the cold. Echinacea is native to North America, and was first used the Great Plains Native American tribes. In later years, the settlers followed theRead MorePh Business Skill Management Tool Beam Scenario Ideas1462 Words   |  6 PagesPH Business Skill Management Tool Beam Scenario Ideas Summary Level of Development Problem Solving Strategic Thinking Root Cause Analysis Plan, Do, Study, Act Critical factors for success Identifying and Mitigating risks Health and Well-Being for All, Focus: Asthma As a county public health official you have a goal to Improve the county’s profile on RWJF’s County Health Rankings. In order to achieve this you are trying to outline a plan to address the high rates of childhood asthma in the communityRead MoreCritical Analysis of Wilfred Owens poem Arms and the Boy1660 Words   |  7 PagesEng 432 Outline Critical Analysis of Wilfred Owens poem Arms and the Boy I. Introduction: 1. Introducing what is going to be discussed in the paper (analysis of Arms and the Boy , its relation to one of Owens poem). 2. Thesis Statement : Wilfred Owens poem Arms and the Boy can be discussed to represent the horror of war. II. Body: 1. Owen was a soldier and a modern poet who was known as anti-war poet. A. A summary of Owens poetry in general . B. His representation of the horror of war in hisRead MoreMix of Journalism and Fiction in Truman Capotes In Cold Blood785 Words   |  4 PagesJohn Hollowells, critical analysis of Truman Capotes novel In Cold Blood focuses on the way Capote used journalism and fiction to try and create a new form of writing (82-84). First, Capote involves his reader. This immediacy, this spellbinding you-are-there effect, comes less from the sensational facts (which are underplayed) than from the fictive techniques Capote employs (Hollowell 82). Capote takes historical facts and brings in scenes, dialogue, and point of view to help draw theRead MoreRisk Management Pl An Event That Has A Positive And Negative Impact On Project Objectives1265 Words   |  6 Pages8. Risk Management Plan 8.1. Purpose A project risk is an event that has a positive and negative impact on project objectives. A Project risk management plan is critical in identifying, monitoring and reporting risks. This Risk Management Plan defines how risks associated with this ten story-building project will be identify, analyze, and manage. It presents the outlines for risk activities how to perform, record and control or manage throughout the project lifecycle. 8.2. Process The projectRead MoreTruman Capotes In Cold Blood1591 Words   |  7 PagesLiterature attempts to shape or reflect society, and oftentimes literature reveals truths and provides insight into the condition of that society. The American Dream is a dominant theme in American literature, and in Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood, the idealistic dream is critically evaluated. In this paper, I will explain the context of the work, and then I will compare and contrast Dick any Perry (the murderers) with the Clutter family (the murdered) in relation to the theme of the fragility ofRead MoreRhinovirus Inducing Wheezing And Asthma Exacerbation946 Words   |  4 Pageswheezing includes Human Rhinovirus (HRV), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Parainfluenza, and coronavirus (Busse Lemanske. 2010). Rhinovirus is associated with common colds that may cause sore throat, sinus infection, ear infection and to some degree of bronchiolitis and pneumonia (American Academy of Pediatrics. 2015). This type of cold can happen at any time of the year but most common during winter or spring. The goal of managing Rhinovirus is to prevent exacerbation in children, preventing the diseaseRead MoreThe Wonders of Vitamin C Essay1146 Words   |  5 Pagesin which we are in a state of constant fear of diseases. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

I Spy Free Essays

To compare these three short stories, â€Å"l Spy’ by Graham Greene, â€Å"The Mark on the Wall† by Virginia Woolf and â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† by Kurt Vonnegut, we have to take into consideration aspects like plot, points of view, conflicts, theme and also, if occurs, symbolism. â€Å"l Spy’ takes place during the first World War. The main character is Charlie Stowe, 2 years old kid. We will write a custom essay sample on I Spy or any similar topic only for you Order Now The story shows the idea of fear coming from both Charlie and his father. Charlie is afraid that he will get caught when he leaves home in the middle of the night and hides in his father’s tobacconist’s shop. His father is afraid that he will be arrested for being a spy. The story is told by an third-person narrator. Author used central consciousness in narration, so he takes a reader inside a character’s ind to reveal perceptions, thoughts, and feelings on a conscious or unconscious level, suggesting the flow of thought as well as content. Complete sentences may give way to fragments as the character’s mind makes rapid associations free of conventional logic or transitions. The reader can feel what the character feels. â€Å"l Spy’, â€Å"The Mark on the Wall† and â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† – Comparison conventional logic or transitions. The reader can feel what the character feels. I Spy By chonio How to cite I Spy, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Goal Veterinarian free essay sample

As a child and grandchild of veterinarians, I have always had an interest in animals and their health. Ever since I can remember, I have been following my father around his office to observe, learn and help. One dark rainy night when I was ten, his beeper sounded around dinner time. When he called the concerned owner, I heard his half of the conversation. â€Å"Hit by a car can’t walk, and she’s bleeding? Can you be at the office in ten minutes?† Dad asked, looking at his watch. Before he could say another word, I barged in and asked if I could go with him. He agreed, and we went to set up the office for emergency work. Carrying her â€Å"baby,† the anxious owner arrived in eight minutes and was a wreck, as anyone would be. The dog, Brandy, was a mixed breed, about 60 pounds and young. Wet and bloody, she was harmless despite her fear. We will write a custom essay sample on Goal: Veterinarian or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We carried Brandy to the treatment room for Dad to examine her thoroughly as I held her still and comforted her the way he had taught me. The real doctor worked quickly and carefully as the amateur one observed in amazement. The x-rays I took as Dad held Brandy on the table determined that she had no breaks or fractures. A sigh of relief came from the owner. We washed off the grime that covered Brandy and when she was all cleaned up, we could tell she was feeling a little better. She even licked my face as if she wanted to say, â€Å"Thank you!† With a soothing voice my dad told her owner, â€Å"She’s going to be fine. Just a few cuts and scratches.† He then told her about his bicycle crashes and all the road rash he’d had after his dates with the pavement. These anecdotes calmed and distracted the woman, and it was apparent that she left a lot looser than the tightly wound ball of panic she had been when she arrived. Weeks later, a letter arrived from Brandy’s owner. She thanked me for helping heal her baby and being there for her, too. Enclosed were two photos of Brandy as a puppy. Looking at them made me feel as if I’d saved a life, that a puppy would be able to grow up and become a family dog, to be loved and give love back. It is one of those feelings that is indescribable. I have learned that there are emotional as well as medical factors in being a veterinarian. Emotionally, the pictures of Brandy cannot compare to the Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine I hope to earn. While the degree will state that I am capable of providing medical attention, the photographs come closer to the heart, saying, â€Å"I helped her! I saved her!†

Friday, November 29, 2019

Legalization Of Marijuana Essays (221 words) - Herbalism

Legalization of Marijuana I, for one, believe that Marijuana should be legalized. I have several reasons for this, the main one is that it would almost completely eliminate the crime and other problems associated with the drug. We would need fewer police officers looking for pot, we could concentrate drug education in schools on the more grievously damaging drugs (heroin, cocaine, LSD). The only long term effects marijuana has on a person are the same as with cigarettes. No one would dare prohibit the sale and possession of those, and pot isn't treated with an array of chemicals. It's just picked, dried, and smoked. Marijuana has similar short term effects as those of beer, but more relaxing. Marijuana tends to mellow a person, while alcohol might make someone violent. Plus alcohol contrivutes to brain and liver damage. I can not say that I completely advocate the recreational uses of marijuana, but it nothing else there are definitely medicinal uses such as the treatment of glaucoma. It also tends to increas the appatites of terminaly ill AIDS patients who otherwise wouldn't have the desire to eat. I think the repercussions of legalizing pot would be almost completely beneficial to society as a whole. The beneficial effects outweigh the adverse. This subject should be seriously investigated by our government.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Japanese language patterns differ from American English patterns

Japanese language patterns differ from American English patterns Free Online Research Papers Title: Japanese language patterns differ from American English patterns The Japanese language has a different word order from English. English, as we know, is a subject-verb-object language. While there are some exceptions to this structure (One swallow does not a summer make; Great oaks from little acorns grow.), most spoken and written utterances follow this pattern. Japanese, however, has a different word order: subject-object-verb. If I were to ask someone how they were, I would say, â€Å"Kenki, desska?† Literally translated, this utterance would be rendered as â€Å"(You) well are?† This difference in word order makes Japanese for Americans a more challenging language to learn than, say, Spanish which hews to virtually the same underlying structure as English. Japanese has a few other differences worth mentioning here. Japanese is basically a syllable-timed language. In other words, syllables in Japanese generally get the same amount of stress. English is a stress-timed language. Syllables get unequal stress within words and certain words get less stress than others. Function words (articles, prepositions) in English get less stress generally. The Japanese language lacks articles and prepositions get the same amount of stress as other words within an utterance. Research Papers on Japanese language patterns differ from American English patterns19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHip-Hop is ArtQuebec and CanadaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeThree Concepts of PsychodynamicStandardized TestingPETSTEL analysis of IndiaMind Travel

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Expansion and Settlement of the US from The Atlantic to the Essay - 11

The Expansion and Settlement of the US from The Atlantic to the Pacific - Essay Example The expansion and settlement of the US from the Atlantic to the Pacific was encouraged by newspaper publishers by the United States government, and by most of the citizens of the country. There have been advanced a plethora of reasons supporting this move, some of which are briefly highlighted in this essay. Some of these reasons are defensible whereas some appear egotistical, self-centered and selfish. For instance, the belief that it was simply manifest destiny that such an expansion should occur is not far from distilled arrogance (Dallek, 345). Those who advance this reason, hold that it was America’s God given responsibility to extend the US from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Apart from the fact that not all are religious leave alone believe in God, most of those who lost their lands may find it hard reconciling their ways to the very God who annexed their lands. It made evangelism hard (Dallek, 365).The expansion and settlement of the US from the Atlantic to the Pacific w as encouraged by newspaper publishers by the United States government, and by most of the citizens of the country. There have been advanced a plethora of reasons supporting this move, some of which are briefly highlighted in this essay. Some of these reasons are defensible whereas some appear egotistical, self-centered and selfish. For instance, the belief that it was simply manifest destiny that such an expansion should occur is not far from distilled arrogance (Dallek, 345). Those who advance this reason, hold that it was America’s God given responsibility to extend the US from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Apart from the fact that not all are religious leave alone believe in God, most of those who lost their lands may find it hard reconciling their ways to the very God who annexed their lands. It made evangelism hard (Dallek, 365). The more defensible reason was the need for new lands for farming, living (as there were experienced population blooms like none other before du e to the high birth rates) and opportunities for business yet the new lands offered more land that could be shared with all concerned (Dallek, 377). In addition, this was a new hope and beginning to most, and a chance for many fugitives to start a new chapter. Slaves could have their freedom in the Western territories (Dallek, 411). However, there are still a number of addition reasons that seemed intolerable/ indefensible.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

American Nurses Association Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American Nurses Association - Essay Example They include, fostering high standards of nursing practice, lobbying the Congress and the healthcare regulatory agencies on such issues that re capable of affecting nurses and the public, protecting both the positive and realistic view if nurses and promoting and protecting the right of nurses at the workplace. The ANA organization addresses various issues including those dealing with leadership, nursing quality, staffing, compensation, professional standards and improving nursing practice, which are all under nursing practice. On the other hand, the association also handles ethical issues such as the end of life, code of ethics as well as courage and distress. Looking at staffing, for example, there are various issues that the association is addressing. The association acknowledges that staffing issues are those of going concern that affects both the nurses as well as the patients being served. The nurse-to-patient ratio usually determines the satisfaction level of the patients taken care of by the nurses. As such, the higher the ratio is, the more satisfied the patients usually are. Sometimes, when the ratio of nurses to patients is low, the patients may have to stay longer in the hospital waiting to receive services. This increase in the length of stay in the hospital has a lot of losses to the patient. One such loss is that the patient may stay longer to contract new infections, and the hospital bill will also be higher when a patient stays longer in the hospital.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Prevention of Wound Infection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Prevention of Wound Infection - Essay Example Hands must be decontaminated with alcohol based product after contact with body fluids, excretions, mucous membrane contact, no intact skin contact, or wound dressings as long as hands are not visibly soiled. After contact with a patient's intact skin (as when taking a blood pressure) it also should be used. When it is necessary to move from a contaminated body site to a non-contaminated body site, before caring for patients with neutropenia, before putting on sterile gloves for inserting catheters, when helping with any procedure, and after removing gloves. Hand wash between every patient, when hands are visibly dirty and when cannot tolerate alcohol based products (CDC.gov) Standard precautions should be used with every patient, whether there is infection or not. The tenet accepted here is that all patients are colonized with some organism which you do not want to carry to the other patient (Edmonston, Krepe, WIlson, et.al, 2008). Using standard precautions means the use of gloves, and other barriers when necessary and Hand Washing. It also includes proper handling of patient care equipment and linen, environmental control, prevention of injury with sharps, and how patients are placed when admitted to a facility. When it becomes necessary, standard precautions must move to isolation precautions. Isolations precautions are determined by ... If a wound becomes infected, it is contact (Smeltzer, Bare, Hinkle, & Cheever, 2008). In the case of surgical wound or other clean wound, however, there is more that will need to be done, that is called aseptic technique. They include the use of only sterile materials within the sterile field. Sterile surfaces and articles may touch other sterile surfaces only. If they touch any other area, they are no longer sterile. Knowing when to use sterile supplies and knowing when to use clean supplies becomes very important. Changing a surgical dressing correctly and keeping the area clean is important, as well as keeping the overall patient and bedding clean. Policies are must be in place to assure that everyone is following wound care techniques as determined to be the best at all times. Proper hygiene for the nurse and all other healthcare workers is mandatory. Educating the patient as well as far as keeping hands away from dressing and washing hands often or using alcohol based solution and not laying things across a dressing. Disposal of rubbish is important using the proper technique and doing it often, especially if there is any kind of matter that contains any drainage or dried blood. Nutrition is not often thought of but patients do poorly and get infections faster if their nutritional status is not good. It may be important to supplement the patient that is unable to eat because of surgery, for example. The patient who has had abdominal surgery may need PPN or TPN to keep his protein levels high enough to help him heal. Moving the patient quickly not only stimulates circulation and bowel action but also helps the patient to prepare to go home faster and it is well know that being out of the hospital is the best thing for

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Climate Justice And Individual Responsibility Philosophy Essay

Climate Justice And Individual Responsibility Philosophy Essay In the last couple decades, ethical debates have begun to shed light on climate justice. The big questions these ongoing climate justice debates tend to ask are whether or not the disadvantages of future generations as a result of climate change finds present and past generations culpable, as a society or as an individual, and who it is that must take responsibility for the compensation and conservation that must now occur. The two fallacies that I have thus far encountered in reviewing some climate justice literature are as follows: first, that the non-identity problem is a sound argument to deny that our present inaction on global warming and climate change harms individuals in the future, and second, the view that Walter Sinnott-Armstrong holds that our individual actions in the present will have no impact on future generations, and therefore we hold no individual moral responsibility to go green, but rather our governments hold that responsibility for us (Sinnnott-Armstrong, 344) . In this paper, I attempt to resolve these two fallacies with my own argument on an individuals moral responsibility in the face of climate change, argued in part with Immanuel Kants deontology, and following some clarification on the nature of justice and ethical theories. I will come to assert that, assuming climate change is a grave issue that will harm many people in generations to come, individuals do have a moral responsibility to take action in regards to climate change in accordance with a moral duty, born of the rights of future generations. This argument is based on the assumptions that climate change is an issue that will create serious problems for future generations living in parts of the countries that are not able to properly adapt to the rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions that climate change will cause (Gardiner). It also assumes that climate change will cause harm to these future populations, as massive death and displacement will likely take place if adaptation measures are not taken. These are facts that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have studied and determined true, concluding in their research not only that the balance of evidence suggests discernible human influence on climate change, but also that the long-term impact of climate change will have predominantly, if not uniformly, adverse impacts on the health, cultural life, and economic prosperity of future human populations, (Page, 53-4). One of the biggest issues fracturing the climate justice debate is how justice can be defined in regards of the responsibility involved with climate change. Climate change is not a standard moral problem, and thus cannot be judged like one. The paradigm of a standard moral problem is where one clearly identifiable agent intentionally harms another clearly identifiable agent, close to the former in space and time (Schinkel). However, because climate change happens so gradually, and it is impossible to determine the exact impact of present acts of greenhouse gas emission on future effects of climate change, there is no clearly identifiable criminal, victim or even crime. As James Garvey puts it, theres no one standing red-faced next to a broken vase (60). This means that determining the consequences and who is responsible for them is very difficult. Our justice system is so far only compatible with identity-dependent theories of justice, theories that aim to make particular human being s, or animals, healthier or happier or rescue people from harm or disadvantage, particularly if these disadvantages arise through no fault of their own, (Page, 58). Because there is no identifiable harm to these particular human beings of generations to come, climate justice faces a problem of non-identity. The non-identity problem, explains Edward Page in his work Intergenerational Justice and Climate Change, arises from the fact that conception and genetic identity is so highly sensitive to antecedent events that after a few generations, and depending on which policy we choose, completely different sets of people will come into existence (Page, 56-7). These different sets of people will owe their entire existence to the decisions and actions of past generations, Page explains. Thus, because we assume that these particular individuals lives will still be worth living under those necessary conditions of their existence, we cannot determine how they are helped or hindered by our pres ent sacrifices (57). So, why sacrifice? In my opinion, the non-identity problem is a convenient excuse to attribute no crime, and therefore no responsibility, to present generations. It takes advantage of the insufficient data available to decipher exactly how much harm wasteful greenhouse gas emissions in the present will cause to individuals in the future. Although the amount of harm is indefinite, panels like the IPCC have concluded that certain communities of future generations will be significantly disadvantaged and deprived if nothing is done about climate change (Page, 53-4). Edward Page offers a revised theory of identity-dependence in light of this that he claims will solve the non-identity problem (63). The group-centred theory of climate justice states that the communities which future people will belong to are deserving of concern and respect in their own right; and if present actions have the result either that these communities die out altogether, or are damaged in the sense that various communal practices ar e undermined, they are morally objectionable (64). While this theory is a step towards moral progress on the climate justice issue, intuitively it does not feel sufficient enough. When it comes to intergenerational justice, what is the tipping point? How many people must be affected for a particular community to be deserving of concern and respect in their own right (64)? In light of this, I feel that this theory will still not do. Future populations will be affected, and thus future communities will be affected and future individuals will be affected; in my opinion, there should be no grand distinction between groups and individuals when it comes to harm and disadvantage. While Pages group-centred theory at least helps identify victims in the intergenerational injury, it still only recognizes our duty to future communities of people. While this may be sufficient enough to promote conservation methods, I still believe his theory does not go far enough in recognizing future individuals as victims to climate change. If the group-centred theory solves the non-identity problem by imagining victimized groups of people, why cannot the fact that there are individuals within that community that will be personally harmed by climate change negate the non-identity problem as well; individuals whose homes will be submerged or destroyed by hurricane or tsunami, causing them to be displaced or killed. Most would agree that a communitys risks of losing its culture or language are not as grave as an individuals risks of losing his home or life. Naturally, there is more utility in a community than in a mere individual, however I fail to see the difference in moral wort h between a community and an individual. To us in the present generation, both entities are moral patients, with rights and duties owed to them. Moral patient is a deontological term to describe a non-rational being with rights, such as an animal, a child or a person with a mental disorder (Gheaus). Because they are non-rational, they do not have moral duties, only duties owed to them by moral agents, rational beings who are capable of moral understanding (Gheaus). Those individuals that will be harmed by climate change in the future are currently very young or unborn, and therefore not yet rational. We have a duty to them to uphold their rights, and they have the right to the same conditions of life as their forefathers. However, while we can acknowledge that we have a duty to future generations, it is not as clear to us which actions are according to that duty. As in most moral problems, it is helpful to consider tried and true moral principles to determine how we ought to act. While I dont see universal merit in absolute Kantianism, I feel that Kants deontology is the right principle to consider for climate justice because it focuses not on consequences (which as I have explained is and has been unclear to present and past generations) but on duty according to the categorical imperative (Gheaus). The categorical imperative has two formulations: the first, to act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law, and the second, act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only (Gheaus) Sinnott-Armstrong denies that Kants theory imposes a moral obligation to prevent wasteful greenhouse gas emissions, claiming that when he goes for a joyride in a gas-guzzler on a Sunday afternoon, his maxim is to have harmless fun , and that does not make for a problematic universal law (338). However, Sinnott-Armstrong explains in detail earlier in the article that this gas-guzzling GHG-emitting joyride has no practical, emotional or clinical benefit for him (334). Therefore there would be little sacrifice involved in refraining from driving the gas-guzzler. Hypothetically if Sinnott-Armstrongs maxim were adopted as a universal maxim, and if millions of others worldwide began driving gas-guzzling cars on a weekly basis, or began doing other acts of wasteful greenhouse gas emission because they also considered it non-profitable harmless fun, then that fun would not longer be so harmless. All of those wasteful emissions would go into the atmosphere and contribute to the Greenhouse effect, eventually leading to climate change and indefinite harm on future generations. However, Sinnott-Armstrongs argument does shed light on the fact that using Kants deontological argument to defend climate justice is overly dema nding of supererogatory duty. Who should say that we in present generations should never have harmless fun when it emits wasteful greenhouse gas emissions? After all, our environment needs some greenhouse gas emissions to operate (Garvey, 9). This is where it is important to distinguish between the two types of duty in deontology. Perfect duty is to always act according to the two formulations of the categorical imperative, with absolutely no exceptions (Gheaus). A perfect duty is thou shalt not kill, for example. An imperfect duty on the other hand is to act such that we make other peoples ends our own (Gheaus). Imperfect duties are a little less clear, as the agent must choose when and towards what cause to perform these duties, since it is impossible to perform them all the time to everybody (Gheaus). Preventing wasteful greenhouse gas emissions is an imperfect duty; we are not required to perform it all the time and at every opportunity. If we did, that would likely decrease our own benefits such as money, time and convenience in the process to ultimately ensure that the same benefits of future generations are not decreased. This does not make sense to do. This leads me to the second formulation of the categorical imperative, to not treat any person as a mere means but also as an end. Sinnott-Armstrong rejects this formulation as well, claiming that for me to treat someone as a means implies my using harm to that person as part of my plan to achieve my goals. Driving for fun does not do that, (338). However Sinnott-Armstrongs argument is too narrow in its scope. Driving a gas-guzzling car is using the earths unlimited resources for ones own pleasure, and is thus using the earth as a means to ones purposeless ends. Of course, human beings are permitted to use the earth as a means to their ends and always have, but that is not to say we should treat the earth as a mere means and not an end at the same time. Even in an anthropocentric theory of intrinsic value, that attributes value to the earth only by virtue of its value to human beings, the earths ends are our ends (Page, 59). When the earths resources are exhausted or destroyed by cli mate change, humanity will be inevitably extinguished. Therefore we have a duty, though imperfect, to future states of humanity (as we in the present will not likely still be alive at the end of the world) to treat the earths ends as our own where it is not too overly demanding or costly. Sinnott-Armstrong argues that individuals do not have a moral obligation to conserve energy but only to elect a government that will adopt conservation policies (344). Finding and implementing a real solution is the task of governments, he argues (344). However, as a matter of the universalizability principle, this is not sufficient enough. Individuals have a moral responsibility to conserve energy where they can and when they can; I agree that electing candidates with conservation platforms is a proactive way to do something about climate change, but I also think the responsibility should be reflected in peoples lifestyle. Recycling, switching to energy-efficient appliances and lightbulbs and walking or biking instead of driving are all simple ways to modify ones lifestyle to conserve energy and uphold the duty to future generations. Action starts with the individual. While the theories of Page and Sinnott-Armstrong shed light on the issues surrounding climate justice, I feel that they do not go far enough in attributing moral responsibility to individuals to conserve. Looking to Kants deontology allows us to see that we do have a duty to future moral patients, and a responsibility to make the earths ends our own ends as well. I only hope that, for the future of our planet and generations to come, all these words exchanged over climate justice are followed by individual action.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

State of War :: essays research papers

Our Current State Of War   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A â€Å"State of War† is a period when two nations, parties, or even individuals are in open and armed conflict with each other. But how does this come about, and how would John Locke and President George W. Bush feel about how it is that a state of war originates? What actions must take place for war to exist? Is there a period of time that must be spent deliberating the possibility of entering into a state of war to determine its necessity? Is there even a choice in the mater, or is it born in all of human kind as a sort of character trait, which must at times be expressed. If a state of war is inevitable, should the support of others be established, and at what moment in this conflict does it become apparent that a state of war has just been entered into? Is this idea of â€Å"State of War† similar or different when comparing the writing of John Locke, with the actions of President Bush? To understand how it is that a state of war comes about we must know what it is. John Locke defines a state of war saying, â€Å"I should have a right to destroy that which threatens me with destruction†¦and one may destroy a man who makes war upon him.† (Ch 3 sec. 16, â€Å"Two Treatises of Government†) This gives a reasonable idea about what war is, when it is necessary to enter into a state of war, and how it is that it can be entered into. Locke is saying that war is a response to a threat. A threat can be a physical attack, or a verbal declaration to harm. The attack, or evidence of intent to harm is then reason enough for a state or war to be declared. With this understood and given the current state of war between Iraq and the United States can it be said, based on Locke’s statement, that George W. Bush had reason enough to enter into a state of war with Iraq? In a speech made to the American Enterprise Institute President Bush said, â€Å"In Iraq a dictator is building and hiding weapons that could enable him to dominate the Middle East and intimidate the civilized world – and we will not allow it.† The development of these weapons could be interpreted as a threat, and a threat against the civilized world would justify an interest in a state of war.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Importance of English in Nepal

IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN NEPAL IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN NEPAL Nearly 4000 languages are spoken in the world. some language are confined in a small area. but some language are widely spoken. English language is an international language. it is spoken as native language is Canada,Australia,the USA and the UK. it is used as official language in some counties. such as in India and ,it is used as foreign language in most of the countries in the world.English language is that window through which we can peep the world easily. we need this language for our higher education. technical subjects are taught in english. most of the books in modern technology are found in english. if we have no knowledge of english,we can't study those books. many important and great books are written in engliah. we can enjoy reading various literary books in english. we can get a good job easily,if we have good command in spoken or written english. owadays we require english even to operate com puter. which is a compulsory thing in modern society. a pilot of international flight needs english for communication. english is the sky language in tourism. a person who can speak english can earn a good deal of money and prestige in society. english is a passport with that one can travel all over the world without any difficulty . because of these reasons,english is the most important language in the world. we should learn english language to make our future carrier bright.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Essay on Environmentally Friendly Technologies Essay Example

Essay on Environmentally Friendly Technologies Essay Example Essay on Environmentally Friendly Technologies Paper Essay on Environmentally Friendly Technologies Paper Essay Topic: Renewable energy Since the stakes are high as far as environmental degradation and global warming are concerned motor sport companies should devote their energies to come up with motor sport vehicles that observe safety and environmental technologies. Top tier motor sports such as Formulae one should be encouraged to install solar powered engines in their new models because the amount of pollution biz a biz global warming has reached an alarming level. The worlds highest efficiency solar cells are made from silicon and will enable an echo friendly vehicle to move at the same speed as the one that is using fuel. This will not only save on fuel costs but curtails pollution as well. (McKenna, 150-160) Discourse Its prudent that manufacturers of motor sport vehicles come up with models hat have a fuel economy of or below to ensure that we live in a cleaner environment as we try to solve a problem that is already with us. As a matter of fact diesel engines that are clean have attracted the same attention being given to engines that are environmentally friendly in Europe since they release few emissions of carbon dioxide to the environment and at the same time when compared to gasoline oil they have a better fuel economy. Stern, 140-147) The manufacture of Motor sports cars, their activities, facilities and events have an impact on the environment. Impacts on environmental diversity, energy consumption, waste use, air pollution, waste disposal and emission of green house gases are crucial issues that the motor sporting fraternity needs to address as a matter of urgency. Instead of using the popul arity of the sport to further degrade the environment they should use it to spread awareness on the importance of using echo friendly technologies in not just motor sports but all other vehicles. Because of the danger those future generations are exposed to due to global warming and pollution that has now reached alarming levels this paper argues that governments should encourage the use and purchase of hybrid icicles recognized by environmental bodies as well as the government as environmental friendly and fuel efficient in all kinds of motor sports. Tighter controls should be enacted as far as vehicle usage and purchase are concerned so that vehicles for motor sports are not acquired through proxy. Some of the environmental friendly vehicles in the world today include Bethink an echo friendly car produced by the University of Cambridge Echo racing team (CURE). This one of a kind vehicle has already competed in a world major championship the World Solar Challenge that was held in Australia in 2009 and it didnt disappoint. They provided the UK best mark in an endurance race that takes up to smoke across the outback. They attained this while competing against corporate and university teams across the globe. Yet some of these teams had a $1 million budget. By having an uncompromising approach to performance and efficiency they came up with a vehicle that is capable of moving at MPH with a power that is equal to that of a hair dyer. This elegant vehicle has 6 meters square of silicon solar cells which are the worlds most efficient cells. Electrical efficiency,aerodynamics,rolling resistance and weight have been put together to come up with a vehicle that uses almost fifty times less power that a petrol car would use yet has an infinite range of potential. Regional, 179-186) Simulation and extensive modeling with the aid of computers should aid motor sports car manufacturers in coming up with excellent output of ultra efficient electric sport motor vehicles. RSI also crucial to comprehend that these experienced technologies for motor sports will not derail the gains made by the motor sporting fraternity over the years rather they will increase not only their efficiency but their speed as w ell while at the same time conserve the environment for future generations. As much as most motor sports companies have decided to go green the decision to ensure the environment is conserved largely depends on the drivers themselves. Some of the echo friendly techniques that motor sports drivers are encouraged to uphold to ensure environmental degradation is utterly reduced include; anticipatory breaking where the driver uses less energy in breaking by breaking earlier thus using less force, smooth acceleration, correct gear usage and smooth cornering. Motor sport drivers should not just embrace echo friendly technologies of racing they should also try out bio fuels to reduce the amount of carbon emissions to the environment. As a matter Of fact the Motor races are now being used as a platform to showcase to the world super performing vehicles that use alternative fuel. With the soaring costs of fuel going green for many motor sport drivers is a blessing in disguise for life is not just about winning races but after the races comes other demanding tasks. The urge for motor sports to become experienced was an idea borne due to he enthusiasm for smart driving. As a matter of fact most of the advocates of echo friendly driving are previous career motor sports drivers themselves who have won many races and accolades. While others are still competing. Echo friendly driving shouldnt be taken as a matter of slow driving rather it should be viewed as situational efficiency and awareness. Echo friendly technologies provide smart solutions for sustainable driving. It gives motor sport drivers ways of adapting their driving skills to greatly reduce the amount of fuel consumed by their vehicles. Echo friendly driving wont just help motor sport drivers but individual drivers and their families as well to reduce Carbon dioxide emissions and the amount of fuel consumed by their cars while at the same time ensure they enjoy their driving as they do it safely. Its factual that there is a trend globally toward future sustainability and everyone is now drifting towards experienced activities, products and services. Stern, 140-147) Corporations, Individuals and Local governments have recognized the need for future generations sustainability for there is a common realization that everyone needs to be involved in reducing the impact of environmental degradation for almost everyone plays a role in its pollution. The transition to a greener life is thus not a request but a matter of life and death. Lung cancer, Asthma and other respiratory allergies now aff ect most of the world population and the time to change this trend is not today but yesterday since time is not on our side for we are now running against a ticking time bomb that is about to explode. Ecological friendly programs should be introduced to teach motor sports drivers on how they can increase sustainability of the environment through deduction of carbon emissions by use of high fuel economies in their vehicles while ensuring a safe drive. Therefore all people can have their input in operating in a sustainable way through implementing technologies that lead to reduction of waste and efficient use of energy. This is so because improving the value of oxygen we inhale is a matter of top priority all over the globe. As much as bio fuels are the best way of reducing ecological degradation skeptics argue that they equally pose a threat to the environment. The question that these skeptics should answer is whether Befouls generally are DOD or bad for this generation and the environment as a whole. Global food crisis experienced in the recent past coupled with the extreme plummeting of grain stocks globally not to mention the extraordinary rise in prices has highlighted critical issues of policy as especially as far as the most vulnerable third world countries are concerned. The issue of concern here is as to whether the production of befouls is of any economic significance in regard to the interpretation of food security to these countries. Most third world countries like the Philippines promote befoul production not just to taiga its populations against the soaring global prices of fuel but also to provide alternative sources of fuel to its rural poor. There is a stark reality that the earths natural fuels are running out. This has lead to the invention of befouls. Renewable fuel sources are thus the best way for this generation to go since natural coal a dangerous pollutant is expiring sooner rather than later. Faced with this inevitability the first generation of Bio fuels was introduced in the globe through the use of food crops as the source of biomass which Was planted and developed into fuel. The negative impacts of this practice have started showing up this is because in some countries where this has been implemented large tracks of rain forests have been cleared resulting to the negative perception of bio fuels as a whole yet these are just isolated cases of Befoul production mismanagement. In any case this mismanagement is actually related to the first generation of Befouls and so the second generation shouldnt be pulled into this. (Resonant, 130-140) The second generation of Bio fuels is not derived from food crops rather it Uses their waste. For instance Celluloses Bio ethanol fuel is produced from waste wood found in forests that are placed in a processing plant that consists of cutting edges that break it into ethanol fuel and other products. Celluloses is a term that depicts the source of the fuel I. E. Ethanol in this case cellulose which forms a structural component of most green plants making up 50% of wood. In addition the Bio fuel industry is already working on the third and fourth generation to provide more sustainable sources of Befouls so as to provide a more viable and ecologically friendly alternative to the lobar fuel shortage tribulations. (Regional, 179-186) This process therefore doesnt have room for any grain crops to be grown to produce fuel thus e liminating the food verses fuel debate that was against the introduction of Befouls. In addition no rain forests need to be destroyed to provide Befouls since the raw materials are exclusively gotten from waste wood made up of dead trees, debris and brush. The advantage with the Bio fuels is that they have very low carbon emissions. In addition house hold waste is also being used to produce non pollutant fuel. Befoul is not just echo friendly rather it has an added advantage of being used in motor sports to increase the speed without any side effects.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


NIGEL LATTA, THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD. Essays - Family, Free Essays NIGEL LATTA, THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD. The text below is from a newspaper article, where the purpose of the writer was to show the perks of parenting that took place during his generation, he did this comparing it with the modern stressful type of parenting. He uses a mixture of humorous and mocking tones to deliver his message towards his readers, it clearly portrayed his frustration towards the parenting routine at the moment. In the first paragraph, the use of the rhetorical question "how Complicated?", makes this passage a conversational one . A sense of unity is brought in by the use of inclusive pronouns "our' where he is trying to connect with his fellow generation. The text is displayed in a chatty manner "doddle" this informal word just adds onto the friendly vibe that's being brought alive in a very lighthearted tone. The regular reference to his past as a child "our parents didn't have to attend' suggests how he envies the life of parents during that time , its further portrayed by the listing of the advantages the parents then had "look after their own social life', perhaps wishing for an easy going parenthood like his parents had enjoyed once. The use of sarcasm every now and then might have been the way the writer was trying to take of his aggression out-in a mild way, yet conveying a strong message to the world. The mockery of the present parental ritual "we want them to feel good all the time.." further adds on to the fuel of his frustration that's being portrayed. This article was ended with a short statement "one cant help but wonder hand" where the writer further builds the final tempo of his feeling of losing hope in bringing back the better , stress-free way of parenting to this modern generation.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Early americas history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Early americas history - Essay Example This paper will analyze two of the articles available in the book during a period when slavery was rampant in the south (Johnson, 2012). One of the articles is ‘Plantation rules’ written by Barrow as a code of regulations that he wrote down. The article appears in one of the plantation journals written during a time when slavery of black people was the order of the day. The article presents us with clear picture of the rules that a black slave adhered to and the level of ownership that the owner felt. The document depicts what was happening in the American past at around 1852. Barrow wrote down this article with his black slaves in mind because he expected them to understand precisely his expectations for as long as they worked under him (255-256). From the article, some facts become clear about the period of 1800’s in the United States. During this time, blacks worked for white landowners as slaves. In addition, the owners of land perceived slaves as their proper ty. Therefore, they formulated rules that governed the entire life of the salve. The article highlights the restrictions that the slaves went through on the farms. They worked all day long and had to acquire permission in order to engage in any extra activity. The owner of the slaves controlled their movements. Through this, he intended to ensure that slaves did not interact with other slaves fro m other farms. He was aware of the potential reactions of black slaves. If they met too often and without control from their owners, slaves were likely to stage a rebellion. From the article, a reader realizes that black slaves did not have an opportunity to enjoy their rights as free individuals. They received minimal allowances for their work. They often worked for long hours. In addition, the owner limited the development of relationships of the slaves forbidding them from marrying from a different farm. The article highlights the plight of slaves in the southern states in ancient Americ a. It tells the facts from the owner’s point of view without altering and it presents reliable information of the fate of Negroes who ended up in white farms (258). However, the article does not reveal the story from the slave’s point of view. However, it provides the reader with an opportunity to experience the attitude and power exercised by slave owners in ancient America. The article highlights the core issue that led to racial issues between the whites and blacks. The article is the ‘confession of Nat Turner’ officially published by Ruffin Gray. Gray was the lawyer to Turner, a slave who was responsible for the organization of a slave revolution in one of the southern states, Virginia. Turner had been a slave who could not bear the conditions that surrounded slavery and called upon other slaves to raise a rebellion against the whites who were continually oppressing the slaves and overworking them. Turner’s confession targeted the entire America n public at that time. He was in jail and felt took the responsibility of narrating his reasons and contributions in organizing the revolution. He made his confessions to Gray, the lawyer who published the confession (259). From his account, it becomes evident that slavery in the southern states was very rampant. In addition, the article elaborates how the salves perceived the situation they were going through. Turner claims that he sought to organize a revolt with a divine motivation. He described

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Draft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Draft - Essay Example Consequently, this brought an understanding that the values and beliefs are connected to cultural practices, traditions and rituals that chances their way of life (Nel, 2012). The summary also elaborated on the issues related to the differentiation of the cultural practices, customs and traditions. It also elaborates on the inherent patterns of behaviors that are transmitted from one generation to another. The term custom is defined in the article as a practice, which regulates the social life of certain group in the society, while rituals are defined as forms of cultural practices or ceremonies making a certain change in the society. Moreover, the article indicated that the Africa societies are linked to the cultural practices, traditions and customary issues. Moreover, the article explained these rituals involve various physical markings on the body such as circumcisions or body scarification (Tiley-Nel, 2012). In this case, these rituals are different based on the ethnic groups, whereby the ritual practices are symbols of maturity stage. In conclusion, the paper covers a summary of two articles covered in class, which include â€Å"Ndebele culture, traditions and rituals† by Tiley-Nel and Initiation cycles of traditional South African cultures by Nel, J. The articles cover a reflection of cultural, tradition and ritual practices in African society. The articles share ideas related to the practices among African society, which are practices in a contemporary society in the process of depicting the transition of the boys and girls to the adult hood. Therefore, this paper has focus on identifying the main points that are in these

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Historic Preservation and the Imagined West Term Paper

Historic Preservation and the Imagined West - Term Paper Example It is the oldest and most historic block of the Mile High City. The buildings of the area tell a lot about the birth and the early years of the city of Denver. The Lower Downtown was formed with the intension to encourage the preservation of a significant area which is vital because of its historical area, architectural look and economic value. The historic resources were given protection due to the historic status of the area. Protection was also given to the 127 contributing historic structures by the act of zoning ordinance. This ordinance included building height limitations and encouraged mixed use development. For rehabilitation and new constructing purposes it provided strict design guidelines. This LoDo District was formed when an unorganized group of Lower Downtown property owners joined District Collaborative, a marketing entity, to form the so called LoDo District. This joint effort was focused on the needs of the neighborhood as it produced a diverse group of people whose community and philanthropic interests were based on those needs. Denver City was named after James Denver who was the territorial governor or Kansas and the main street was named after his son General Larimer. Larimer’s cabin which was torn in 1961 and a one-story false-front store was built at its place until in 1982 when the Granite building was constructed. The first bank, bookstore, photographer and dry goods store of Denver was housed at the city block of Larimer Square. Denver’s first post office was also built on the same block, where currently the Bent Lens is located. The block also had Denver’s first theatre in the Lincoln building, currently where the store Eve is located. The North West corner of Larimer Streets had a building which was once a legendary watering hole for politicians, policemen and city hall reporters known as Gahan’s Saloon. Dana Crawford, an award-winning

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

My Favourite Book Essay Example for Free

My Favourite Book Essay My favourite book is The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. This story is one of the well-known works of the writer. The author depicts the characters of the old man and the boy and their relations very vividly and skillfully. Santiago, the old man, was one of the writers beloved characters. The old man was a born fisherman, but he was not a butcher and fished only for a living. He was very lonely. He had a devoted friend the boy, Manolin. The boy loved the old man for his kind heart, his devotion to the sea. Manolin was like a son to Santiago. He took care of the old mans food and his belongings. The old man was glad to pass his experience to the boy. He looked forward to going to the sea together with the boy. All Santiagos life had been in preparation for the battle with big fish. He knew that he had been born for this and it was time to prove it. A strong man at last had met a strong fish. The battle was a difficult one and full of danger. Though the sharks had eaten the fish and nothing had left but the backbone, the old man had morally won the battle. Santiagos words man can be destroyed but not defeated are the main idea of this story. The Old Man and the Sea is a masterpiece for its imaginative language and the description of nature.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Importance Of Strategic Management Commerce Essay

Importance Of Strategic Management Commerce Essay Strategic management is a combination of art and science for formulation, implementation evaluation of decisions that enables an organization to achieve its goals objectives. Firstly, it assesses its competition in a market and then sets goals strategies to meet its competitors. Secondly, managers carry strategies to achieve the best performance of their company. An organization has an advantage if their profit rate is higher than their competitors. 1.3 Value of Strategic Management: Value of strategic planning is obvious. The companies which plan strategically have a better financial position in a society than those organizations that dont. In todays world, Strategic planning is not only applied in the private sector but also in government owned firms which include government departments, hospitals educational institutions. For example, increasing costs of university education, competition from different universities offering good education in less price reduction in student loans by banks student education funds by government etc and this had led many education providers to research and assess their universitys aspirations to find out a market niche in which they can prosper and after planning they can apply their strategies if set goals are achieved then its an effective strategy. 2.0 Importance of Strategic Management: The importance of strategic management is discussed as follows: Strategies make a difference in the performance of an organization. It helps managers to overcome challenging situations to cope with uncertain environments. It indicates the need of changing making alteration in an organization (new ways of thinking applying latest precautionary measures) Many organizations are made up of different divisions and departments that requires coordination with each other, else there should be no focus on achieving goals of an organization. Its useful for both profit based non-profit based organization. 3.0 Components of Mission Statement: Mission statement is the statement of the role by which an organization intends to serve its stakeholders. It describes why an organization is operating and thus provides a framework within which strategies are formulated. It describes what the organization does (i.e., present capabilities), who all it serves (i.e., stakeholders) and what makes an organization unique (i.e., reason for existence). Once the mission statement is formulated, it serves the organization in long run, but it may become ambiguous with organizational growth and innovations. In todays dynamic and competitive environment, mission may need to be redefined. However, care must be taken that the redefined mission statement should have original fundamentals/components. Mission statement has three main components-a statement of mission or vision of the company, a statement of the core values that shape the acts and behaviour of the employees, and a statement of the goals and objectives. 3.1 Features of a Mission Statement: Some of its main points are discussed below: Mission must be feasible and attainable. It should be possible to achieve it. Mission should be clear enough so that any action can be taken. It should be inspiring for the management, staff and society at large. It should be precise enough, i.e., it should be neither too broad nor too narrow. It should be unique and distinctive to leave an impact in everyones mind. It should be analytical,i.e., it should analyze the key components of the strategy. It should be credible, i.e., all stakeholders should be able to believe it. 4.0 The Individual Steps in the Strategic Management Process: There are 8 steps of strategic management process which are shown in the form of diagram and also these are explained below: Figure 1: C:UsersacerDesktopSM.jpg Step 1: It includes the Mission Statement, also it includes its features which have been discussed above in Components of Mission Statement. Step 2: This step of strategic process is complete when management has an accurate grasp of what is taking place in its environment and is aware of important trends that might affect its operations. This awareness is aided by environmental scanning activities and competitive intelligence Step 3: After analyzing and learning about the environment, management needs to evaluate what it has learned in terms of opportunities (strategic) that the organization can exploit and threats that the organization faces. In the simplest way, opportunities are positive external environmental factors and threats are negative ones. Keeping in mind that same environment can can present opportunities to one organization and pose threats to another in the same or a similar industry because of their different resources or a different focus. Step 4: In this step,we move from looking outside the organization to look inside..Thats we evaluate the organizations internal resources..This step forces management to recognize that every organization no matter how large and powerful, is constrained in some way by its resources and the skills it has available. Step 5: Internal Resources or things that the organization does well are its strengths. And these strengths represent the unique skills or resources that can determine the organisations competitive edge are its Core competences. And when an organization lacks certain resources we label its weakness Step 6: It includes the analysis and counter checking of Mission Statement. Step 7-How to Formulate Strategies: Strategies need to be set for all levels in the organization. Management needs to develop and evaluate alternative strategies and then select a set that is compatible at each level and will allow the organization to best capitalize on its resources and the opportunities available in the environment. Step 8-Implementation of Strategies: The last step of strategic management process is Implementation. No matter how good a strategic plan is, it cannot succeed it its not implemented properly. Top management leadership is a necessary ingredient in a successful strategy. And finally results must be evaluated. 4.1 Strategic Management Avoiding Pit falls In strategic Management, a word SMARTER is used. Smarter is an acronym that can help organizations avoid a major pitfall in the development and implementation of strategic plans: Specific Measurable Acceptable Realistic Timeframe Extending Rewarding. 4.2 Advantages Of Strategic Management: The advantages and benefits of undertaking Strategic Management in a systematic way include helping an organization to: Clearly define its purpose Establish realistic goals and objectives consistent with its mission Ensure the effective use of resources by focusing on key priorities Establish an mechanism for informed change when needed The Individual Steps in a Strategic Management Process: 5.0 SWOT Analysis: A combination of external internal factors which results in an evaluation of opportunities that are provided by an organization. SWOT is an acronym of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. Basically SWOT Analysis is done frequently in order to identify a strategic position that an organization can achieve easily to carefully evaluate the companys position as compared to its competitors. When SWOT analysis is done, the organization reviews its mission objectives. Also opportunities provided by an organization are reviewed, either its mission objectives are truly existent or not, they require any modifications or not, and where any other changes are needed. On the other hand, if no changes are obligatory, management is ready to actually formulate strategies. Conclusion This assignment provides an overview of strategic management and strategy. Ideas about strategy span many centuries, and modern understanding of strategy borrows from ancient strategies as well as classic military strategies. We should now understand that there are numerous ways to conceptualize the idea of strategy and that effective strategic management is needed to ensure the long-term success of firms. The study of strategic management provides tools to effectively manage organizations, but it also involves the art of knowing how and when to apply creative thinking. Knowledge of both the art and the science of strategic management is needed to help guide organizations as their strategies emerge and evolve over time. Such tools will also help us effectively chart a course for our career as well as to understand the effective strategic management of the organizations for which we will work.

Friday, October 25, 2019

H. G. Wells: His Life and Philosophies Essay -- Authors

H. G. Wells had rather extreme views in every respect. He was a prominent Fabian for some time and upheld many socialistic ideas that many still have a problem with. His views on human nature were pessimistic, the future was an eventual disappointment, but his writing is the kind that can capture the attention of many people from all ages and walks of life and draw attention to his ideas—which he did to great effect. What makes these books so fascinating? To answer questions such as these, it is imperative to know about the life of the man behind the books. Herbert George Wells was born on September 21, 1866 into a lower middle class family. He worked hard as both a student and assistant to multiple jobs before moving to London with a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Science. It was here that he was introduced to â€Å"Darwin’s Bulldog†, the eminent biologist T. H. Huxley, a man whose opinions helped shape Wells’ own for the rest of his life. Instead of becoming a biologist as recommended by Huxley, he became instead a teacher, and overworked himself until he fell into very bad health. On the doctor’s orders, he went to the south coast of England to rest until he ran out of money and returned to London. It was around this time that he met Frank Harris, editor of the â€Å"Saturday Review† newspaper, and began his careers as both a novelist and a journalist. Throughout the rest of his life he wrote steadily, averaging a little more than a book per year. In following his writing, one can see four distinct styles emerging throughout it all. At the beginning he went through a science-fiction phase containing books such as The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, and the Invisible Man. The second phase contained his â€Å"humorous Dickensian novel... ... has accomplished. This was H. G. Wells. Works Cited Belloc, Hilaire. "A Companion to Mr. Wells's "Outline of History"." Twentieth Century Literary Criticism: Volume 6. Detroit, Michigan: Book Tower, 1982. 522. Print. Haynes, Roslynn D. "Wells Scientific Background: Scientist or Visionary?" Twentieth Century Literary Criticism: Volume 6. Detroit, Michigan: Book Tower, 1982. 522. Print. "H. G. Wells." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Nd. Web. 17 Febuary, 2012. Verne, Jules. "Jules Verne at Home." Twentieth Century Literary Criticism: Volume 6. Detroit, Michigan: Book Tower, 1982. 522. Print. Wells, H. G. The Time Machine. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1978. Print. —. The War of the Worlds. Aerie Books Ltd., 1993. Print. "Wells, Herbert George." Twentieth Century Authors; A Biographical Dictionary of Modern Literature: First Edition. Np. 1942. Print.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Affordability And Efficiency Of Solar Energy Environmental Sciences Essay

Energy is known as the foundation of all resources that plays an of import function in modern society. Our day-to-day life activities in place, office and transport all depended on the changeless and dependable supply of energy. Most of the coevals of energy in our modernised society is chiefly from the non-renewable resources like fossil fuels and atomic power. These beginnings are called non-renewable resources for the ground that they can non be replenish or reproduced in a comparatively short sum of clip. Fossil fuel is the most common non-renewable energy used due to the fact that atomic power is high radioactive in conformity with many negative consequence. However, fossil fuels are consuming at a steep rate because of the high demand. The development of fossil fuels besides brings menaces to the planetary universe. Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) is the by-product of firing dodo fuels which is the nursery gas lending to the planetary heating. In add-on, firing fossil fuels besides outp uts sulphur dioxide that leads to acid rain. Extraction of coal, oil and natural gas will besides present a great impact on the natural ecosystem for illustration oil spills and landslides. A solution for all of these jobs is to happen a new alternate energy resource or renewable energy resources. Renewable energy is preferred over non-renewable energy because it produces non-polluting, clean and unlimited energy supply to our local demands. In future, the use of renewable energy resources is set to lift in a big graduated table because of deficient supplies of fossil fuels and besides because of authorities policy and plans to back up renewable energy coevals Solar, biomass, hydropower, geothermic and air current are list of renewable energy deriving a fast development in many states worldwide. Among these energy resources, solar is known best for its emerging turning patterned advance in the universe because itaa‚Â ¬a„?s more dependable, low-cost and efficient.1.2 Overview of Photovoltaic ( PV )Solar Photovoltaic is one of the fastest turning energy engineerings, with growing by an mean 30 % per annum over the past 20 old ages against a background of quic kly worsening costs and monetary values. In 2009, the photovoltaic solar industry generated $ 38.5 billion in grosss globally and PV installings grew to 7.3 GW in 2009, up 20 % from the anterior twelvemonth [ 1 ] ( Fig. 1.1 ) .Figure 1.1: PV Market Size in cleavage by application ( GW )Photovoltaic ( PV ) generates electric energy from solar from solar cells packaged in photovoltaic faculties. These faculties are usually connected in multiple of PV arrays to bring forth more energy from Sun. Inside the PV array, solar power will be produced because of the mechanism which the photons from sunlight collide the negatrons in PV cell into a higher province of energy, therefore bring forthing electricity when negatrons flow. The photovoltaic term implies that impersonal operation part of a photodiode in which current through the device is wholly due to the transduced visible radiation energy. Direct current is generated with the presence of Sun visible radiation at the solar cell, this en ergy can be used to power up devices or equipment, charge a battery cell or solar hot H2O system. The promotion and increased execution of PV system in many applications can function to better the worldaa‚Â ¬a„?s energy options. Solar power is so the cleanest methods of energy production known with no harmful by-products or menaces to the environment. However, there are few jobs with solar power in power transition facets. There is a demand of efficient convertor to change over the DC current to AC supplies for users of energy that wanted high-current low-tension AC current in order to ease energy usage. Furthermore, the current engineering of solar panel claims to be merely 40 % efficiency which is non perfect in energy transition. Solar cell has a nonlinear current-voltage operating point where the maximal power point ( MPP ) which varies depending on the PV cell temperature and the solar sunstroke degree. The location of MPPT is non known ab initio. However, it can be traced either through computation method or seeking algorithms. So, in order to maximise the power extracted from the PV for solar efficiency betterment, a maximal power point tracker ( MPPT ) is required to reassign the power to the burden. MPPT will be responsible to happen the electromotive force or current at which the solar panel should run to pull out the maximal end product power under a given temperature and irradiance.1.2 Undertaking MotivationSolar power system offers the undermentioned advantages of: environmental friendly, clean, low care fee, and a long life-time. Due to these benefits, the solar energy is one of the fastest turning market globally. Nevertheless, PV system is still considered to be expensive, and the decrease in PV system cost involve extensive of research and development. In power electronics field, the efficiency can be improved by maximising the energy end product of PV array. There is a demand of MPPT control in order for the PV array to run at the optimal point in assorted environmental conditions. Many methods have been developed to better the maximal power end product extracted from the PV faculties. They can be sorted out as mathematic theoretical accounts to do approximated descri ptions of the PV faculties behavior, plan the algorithms based on the theoretical accounts, and standard trial of PV system to plan the trailing faculty. These methods have been tested with simulations and consequences approximate the public presentation in existent environment. However, some proposed methods consist of really complex construction or algorithm which makes the calculation procedure to be slow or expensive. Apart from the assorted invented method for MPPT PV system, Perturbation and Observation algorithm ( P & A ; O ) is the most common method used in market because of its simpleness and easiness of execution. With the rapid growing in solar industry an tremendous figure of PV panels are runing today for the whole universe. With the increasing of figure panels and life-time, the insuring of optimum operating conditions is going more of import, in order to minimise the power losingss. This creates the new challenge of public presentation observation and analysis for PV faculties.1.3 Undertaking AimsThe chief aims of the undertaking are: To plan a MPPT Solar Charge Controller to maximise the power extracted from PV system. To implement the MPPT algorithm controlled by microcontroller. The microcontroller is responsible in changing the responsibility rhythm of convertor to coerce the PV array operate in optimal point To analyse the public presentation of MPPT accountant with the algorithm chosen. MPPT Solar Charge Controller that developed must be low cost, dependable and stable in public presentation for existent environment application.1.4 Scopes of ProjectThis undertaking involves execution of hardware and package for planing a Solar Charge Controller that will tracks the maximal power point for PV cell in order to alter a rechargeable lead-acid battery in shortest clip. Choice of DC-DC convertor based on the desired end product electromotive force to bear down a battery through MPPT Solar Charge Controller. Buck Converter will be used in this undertaking development. The power MOSFET in vaulting horse convertor acts as a switch in the power supply component because it can defy high electromotive force and current. The c2000 household Texas Instrument DSP microcontroller will be commanding the vaulting horse convertor by directing PWM signal to power MOSFET after the computational work has done. The simulation of MPPT algorithm through MATLAB SIMULINK MPPT algorithm will be develop on MATLAB and the public presentation will be stimulate and analyze. MATLAB contains Target Support Package for c2000 Texas Instrument Microcontroller, therefore the developed MPPT algorithm can be ingrate to the microcontroller easy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Step into the GLM Time Machine

Step into the GLM Time Machine Step into the GLM Time Machine Step into the GLM Time Machine By Maeve Maddox The Global Language Monitor (GLM) is an Austin, Texas-based entity that  documents, analyzes and tracks trends in language and publishes a list of the years most used English words, names, and phrases. According to GLMs algorithm, 2009s most used word, both online and in print, is Twitter. GLM’s top ten for 2009: Twitter Obama H1N1 stimulus vampire 2.0 (as a suffix attached to the next generation of everything. Ex. Web2.0) deficit Hadron healthcare transparency A look at the Words of the Year for 2000-2008 recalls the prominent events and personalities of those years: 2000 chad 2001 GroundZero 2002 misunderestimate 2003 embedded 2004 incivility 2005 refugee 2006 sustainable 2007 hybrid 2008 change Taking the decade as a whole, here are the top ten words with GLC comments: 1. Global Warming (2000) Rated highly from Day One of the decade 2. 9/11 (2001) Another inauspicious start to the decade 3. Obama- (2008 )The US President’s name as a ‘root’ word or ‘word stem’ 4. Bailout (2008) The Bank Bailout was but Act One of the crisis 5. Evacuee/refugee (2005) After Katrina, refugees became evacuees 6. Derivative (2007) Financial instrument or analytical tool that engendered the Meltdown 7. Google (2007) Founders misspelled actual word ‘googol’ Surge (2007) The strategy that effectively ended the Iraq War 9. Chinglish (2005) The Chinese-English Hybrid language growing larger as Chinese influence expands [There are an estimated 300 to 500 million users and/or learners of English in the Peoples Republic of China.] 10. Tsunami (2004) Southeast Asian Tsunami took 250,000 lives To see the top phrases and names for 2009 and the first decade of the 21st century, explore the Global Language Monitor site. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One Spelling50 Types of PropagandaWords That Begin with Q